Lot # | Description | Cat. Value or Estimate |
| Bid? |
Albania #C8-C14. Complete mint Hinged set of the 1929 overprint in red-brown of the first series airmail set. 2023 Scott US$39.75 =
| $53.65 |
Albania #C15-C21. Complete mint Never Hinged set of the 1928 overprint of the first series airmail. This overprint was to commemorate the first flight across the Adriatic, from Valona to Brindisi on April 21st 1928. A couple minor toning spots on the gum side, mentioned for the record. 2023 Scott US$190.75 =
| $257.50 |
Albania - Not-often-seen collector’s accumulation or treasure pile of mint and used Albania, including the dubious early eagle issues (not counted), a range of overprints, airmail, souvenir sheets and nice post-war commemorative sets. With auction lots, dealer cards and glassines, mounted collections, there are bound to be positive surprises here. Hundreds of stamps. If you are to believe the various notations throughout, there is probably a couple thousand dollars worth of catalogue value here. Overall condition looks pretty good and some duplication is to be expected. Estimate =
| $200.00 |
Australia #726/1838. Two decades of First Day Covers issued 1980-2000, all unaddressed and with Post Office cachet. About 400 different, mostly with commemoratives and some small to medium sized souvenir sheets. Individual stamps with face values up to A$10.00 each. A few are non-standard (e.g. numismatic, Frama, label). Purchased directly from the Australian Post Office and until very recently these were in their original packaging, so the overall condition is excellent. The original cost would have been several hundred dollars. Estimate =
| $180.00 |
Australia - Modern mint issues mostly from the 27c-45c era, including definitives (up to A$20.00 face value) all still in their original Australia Post office glassines and set packages. Lots of commemoratives, se-tenants, and small sized souvenir sheets. From a collector with a standing order for new issues, so we expect it to be a very complete run. Condition as originally issued. Bonus Christmas "cards" with cancelled contemporary issues sent to standing order customers, not counted in our conservative count of the total face value. Total face value AUD$450.00 =
| $405.00 |
Australia and States - A tub of amazing "odds and ends", including loose used stamps, with some ‘Roos and lots of King George V "Heads", followed by a handful of mint presentation packs and mint sets and singles (mostly 1970’s-’80s). There are two handfuls of dealer approval pages that look relatively untouched (both mint and used - with some cancel potential). The modern includes the 1982, 1983 and 2000 year albums. There is a small, but intriguing bundle of Aussie states issues, unchecked for better. Finally, there is a Stanley Gibbons padded four ring binder with pages to 1981, with the binder being in excellent shape and there are a couple hundred mint and used stamps inside. Not your usual holding. Estimate =
| $250.00 |
Australia and States - Collection in three parts, starting with a Stanley Gibbons album with a good starter collection of used issues up to 1993, including some potentially better "Roos" and King George V "Heads", but no souvenir sheets or back of the book. The second part is a battered 64-page Lighthouse stockbook with used Australia up to about 2005, and with a nice offering of "States" (with some better values, great cancels and a few perfins), "Christmas Island" and "Australian Antarctic Territory". The final part is a couple dozen early-1980’s presentation folders (face value A$40.00). Great exploration here ahead for the intrepid collector. Estimate =
| $200.00 |
Austro-Hungarian Empire Cover Hoard - Small carton containing an unsorted and unresearched group of early 20th century covers, many with contents. Includes multiple frankings, express mail and a certain percentage are stamped/stampless WWI feldpost items. A great lot for the classic European postal/military historian. Estimate =
| $150.00 |
Bahamas #28/274. Mint and used 1884 to 1968 period collection of 135 stamps, all still mounted on the original quadrille album pages. The lot includes #100-113 (mint Never Hinged), #158-173 (used) and #252-266 (mint Lightly Hinged). 2024 Scott US$466.35 =
| $629.57 |
Barbados #127/289. Four pages of gorgeous mint Barbados covering 1916-1966, including an eye-catching series of the various "Seal of the Colony" issues, the long King George VI and early Elizabethan sets (all typically missing only the high values). Very fresh appearance, most are Hinged. Meticulously catalogued (and verified), with most items individually identified and catalogued. Total 2023 Scott US$469.20 =
| $633.42 |
Barbuda #1-6, 8, 9-10. F/VF used group of the 1922 George V "BARBUDA" overprint on Leeward Islands issue, missing only the 3sh and 5sh values to complete the set. Seldom offered material. 2023 Scott US$226.00 =
| $305.10 |
Belgium - Small grouping that starts with #1-2 (nicely used, but with usual faults), followed by a 16 page stockbook stuffed with used issues up to 1960’s (with some parcel post/rail issues), there is a couple of retired circuit books and a small handful of dealer pages and glassines (lots of mint, with a number of souvenir sheets, covering much of the 1970’s-1980’s). Estimate =
| $160.00 |
Bermuda #19/141. Head turning collection of mostly mint Bermuda including some great King George V "Keystone" high values (with a Stanley Gibbons identified variety on a 2/-, but we have counted it by Scott catalogue). The balance of the issues up to 1949 are attractive and missing only the highest values. Superb appearance, with a couple of obviously damaged not included in the total catalogue value. 2023 Scott US$870.00 =
| $1,174.50 |
Bermuda #123/128b. Lucky thirteen mint King George VI "Keystones" up to £1 with perforation varieties and a couple of Stanley Gibbons identified colour varieties (individually notated). Very well centered, fresh colour and all appear to be hinged. Some of the key issues of colonial British America. The "hybrid" (Gibbons / Scott) catalogue values has this lot approaching $1000.00). Estimate =
| $250.00 |
British Africa - Rhodesia (incl. Northern and Southern) & Nyasaland. Nine pages of approximately 260 mint and used (sometimes both), 1890-1963 period issues from British Africa. No blockbusters here but many nice and scarcer noted in a reasonably comprehensive grouping. Those with likely revenue cancellations have been included but at minimal valuation. Owner’s 2023 Scott US$1,117.90 =
| $1,509.15 |
British Antarctic Territory #16/201. All Very Fine mint and almost all Never Hinged 1966 to 1992 period collection of 117 stamps, all still mounted on the original quadrille album pages. Superior quality and nearly complete for the period. Loaded with colourful topical sets, including vehicles, fauna, explorers and Antarctic scenes! 2024 Scott US$370.85 =
| $500.65 |
British Commonwealth - "Saints" Collection Quartet. Mint and used collections of four different "Saints" Commonwealth countries, all still mounted on the original quadrille album pages. The lot consists of: St. Helena #34/243, 88 stamps, 1884 to 1970 period, US$151.70 catalogue; St. Kitts-Nevis #24/206, 85 stamps, 1920 to 1970 period, US$66.00 catalogue; St. Lucia #29/92, 84 stamps, 1891 to 1964 period, US$93.40 catalogue; and St. Vincent #13/255; 97 stamps, 1871 to 1967 period, US$119.15 catalogue. Light duplication noted. Owner's 2024 Scott US$430.30 =
| $580.90 |
British Commonwealth - 1937 Coronation and 1946 Victory/Peace Omnibus Sets+. Complete Very Fine mint Hinged 1937 GeoVI Coronation omnibus set and 1946 WWII Peace/Victory omnibus set as well as the Canadian Peace issue set of six (#268-273), plus the airmail, airmail special delivery and special delivery issues that go with the Canadian set (#C9, CE3-CE4, E11). Note that this lot includes all the non-common designs from both omnibus series. All laid out on special printed White Ace album pages. 350 stamps in total. 2024 Scott US$339.60 =
| $458.55 |
British Commonwealth - A six-pack of retired "Royal" circuit books with a mix of 20th century mint and used material from a wide range of colonies (and a few other worldwide, here and there). While there are many countries represented, there are pockets of concentration from Turks and Caicos Islands with some Fiji, Jamaica and representation from Africa, Caribbean and South Asia. No material from the "Dominions". Identified and priced by 2012 Scott. The remaining retail value is C$1253.20. Estimate =
| $200.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Africa, small but interesting, and potentially valuable, assortment. Mostly pre-Elizabethan, including a couple of Cape Triangles, a page of South Africa "pairs" including some officials, some Gambia, Gold Coast, Rhodesia, KUT, Bechuanaland and a nice mint Northern Rhodesia KGV £2 revenue AND MORE! Estimate =
| $150.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Caribbean with some proximal colonies, the balance of a consignment. Starts with a envelope filled with 1980’s mint "new issues" from Nevis and St. Kitts, including complete sets, some souvenir sheets and "Official" overprints. A card of Chalon issues from Bahamas will appeal to "classics" collectors and there is the long QEII set #158-173. Montserrat has a revalued "fruit" set. There are four stockpages with Bermuda and some glassines with QV-KGV mint and used selections from a number of colonies. There is a bit of Turks Island material from QV with strong catalogue value and finishes up with St. Vincent #902-902c (YES, the 4 different Michael Jackson uncut souvenir sheet pairs both with and without "Specimen" overprints, which comes with the original Bileski notation, stating only 16 sets of four strips exist with his price of $800.00 for a set!). Estimate =
| $200.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Caribbean. A glorious consignment balance starting with a lovely page of King George V Cayman Islands, with values up to 5/-, and pages of Virgin Islands, St. Vincent (and Islands), Grenada/Grenadines, Bermuda, Antigua, Bahamas, some nice KGV Turks and Caicos Islands, Trinidad and Tobago and some Montserrat. These are auction and bidboard lots plus some dealer purchases that were put aside after purchase. Some exploration is required here, but there is value throughout. Estimate =
| $140.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Pacific First Day Cover holding of New Zealand (with Ross Dependency), Australia, Niue and the Tokelau, Christmas and Cook Islands. Most are cacheted, many are addressed, with most being issued 1940-1996 with only a touch of duplication. There are some good earlier private cachets, a New Zealand decimal set to the $2 pink geyser, a Cook souvenir sheet and some more recent sets and souvenir sheets. About 260 covers in total, with some of the modern having higher face values of over $5.00 per cover. Perfect for the collector or the on-line dealer. Estimate =
| $180.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Pacific holding of various albums, stockpages, and loose stamps, perfect for dealer and collector alike. Includes Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Christmas Islands, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand (especially the 1940 Centennial set, mint and used, lots of used "Official" overprints), Fiji, Nauru, Australia, Solomon Islands, Pitcairn Islands and a couple of old bidboard lots of multiple countries. Laden with both interesting and valuable material. Estimate =
| $160.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Pacific Islands, mostly mint 20th century Elizabethan era sets, singles and souvenir sheets in a half dozen retired "Royal" approval booklets. Includes Papua New Guinea, Niue, Tokelau, Aitutaki, Norfolk Island, Cook Islands and Penrhyn Islands. Much of the mint material is in mounts, but a mix of hinged and never hinged is to be expected. Material was priced by 2012 Scott and retailed at 1/3 to 1/2 of catalogue. Very little duplication. The remaining material has a reasonable retail price of $460.10 (CDN). Estimate =
| $140.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Western Africa Group. Owner assembled, identified and valued selections of 1883 to 1959 period issues from British Western Africa, including Gambia #13/161, Gold Coast #11/160, the Nigerias (incl. Niger Coast, Lagos, Northern Nigeria, Southern Nigeria) and Sierra Leone #22/203. About 350 stamps in total, mint Hinged and used (some both) from five different Royal reigns. The selections from Gambia and Sierra Leone are a bit light but the Gold Coast and Nigeria are reasonably comprehensive. No great rarities noted but a the lot still includes a decent number of very collectible stamps. Owner's 2023 Scott US$$877.00 =
| $1,183.95 |
British Commonwealth - Caribbean "T"-"V" Group. Mint and used collections from four different Caribbean area Commonwealth countries, 1864 to 1979 period issues, all still mounted on the original quadrille album pages. The lot consists of: Trinidad (35 stamps, US$34.70 catalogue); Trinidad & Tobago (96 stamps, US$133.30 catalogue); Turks & Caicos (79 stamps, US$94.55 catalogue); and Virgin Islands (51 stamps, US$49.70 catalogue). Light duplication noted. Owner's 2024 Scott US$312.25 =
| $421.55 |
British Commonwealth - Fascinating British Asia accumulation on an assortment of album and stock pages, with other loose material floating throughout. Includes some Muscat and Oman, Burma (with some Japanese occupation issues), a touch of India, a small group of Hong Kong (including several "Year of the Tiger" booklets and a few dozen "bridge" souvenir sheet "Treaty Port" cancels), Malaya (and States), Singapore, Straits Settlements, Maldives, Pakistan (Ottawa 1957 UPU presentation booklet) and Sarawak. Your patient sorting will be rewarded. Estimate =
| $200.00 |
British Commonwealth - Selection of mint, mostly early Elizabethan, Atlantic and Caribbean colonies on stock or album pages. Includes Bermuda, Falkland Islands (does include the 1935 Silver Jubilee and 1949 UPU common design issues), a page of Leeward Islands, some nice Ascension up to the 10/- and a smattering of Tristan da Cunha up to the 10/-. Lovely appearance and organization. The catalogue value adds up quickly here. Estimate =
| $150.00 |
British Commonwealth - The balance of a large consignment that we have been selling over the past couple of years. Lots of material that didn’t group nicely to make lots but will be a wonderful group of less-often-seen Colonial material that will make collectors smile. Gibraltar, British overprinted offices, Falkland Islands, Ascension, St Helena (#1-12 lightly hinged), Guyana. There is African material such as Morocco Agencies, South Africa, KUT (#120-135 lightly hinged). There is a bit from Great Britain and the Chanel Islands including some Cinderella material. There are some Disney topical issues, along with a couple of stockbooks with multiple colonies. Lots of value here. Estimate =
| $250.00 |
British Commonwealth - The balance of a fine British Caribbean collection that we are breaking up in this sale, with a total catalogue value approaching US$1000.00. In order of appearance, a page of early mint QEII Bahamas, a couple of Nevis souvenir sheets, a 1947 UPU presentation folder from Montserrat (alas, only two of the original stamps are left). There is some British Honduras, St. Lucia, KGVI-QEII Dominica, a very nice group of Trinidad (and with Tobago) and a lovely page of Leeward Islands (the KGVI £1 "Keystone" is never hinged). Mostly mint and most in excellent condition. Estimate =
| $250.00 |
British Commonwealth - Malaya and Area Group - Mint Hinged and used selections of 1882-1983 period issues from the Straits Settlements (#41/271, 140 stamps 1882-1970 period issues, catalogue value US$231.95), Malaya and States (446 stamps, 1870-1970 period issues, catalogue value US$556.35) and Singapore (#1/422, 197 stamps, 1948-1983 period issues, catalogue value US$269.70). All Hinged on quadrille album pages. The Singapore section has more mint material and is the "cleanest" portion of the lot. A total of 783 stamps in total, unchecked for postmarks or varieties. Owner's 2023 Scott US$1058.00 =
| $1,428.30 |
British Mediterranean - Cyprus, Gibraltar and Malta. Selection of British Mediterranean issues from the 1880 to 1960 period. The lot consists of: Cyprus #2/192; Gibraltar #4/157; and Malta #8/257. About 350 stamps in total from these popular British Commonwealth countries, laid out on seven stock pages. Mint Hinged and (mainly) used for all three countries, with some issues including both. The owner notes that only a couple of faults may be found. A worthwhile and attractive lot for both the neophyte and advanced collector. Consignor's 2023 Scott US$819.60 =
| $1,106.45 |
Canada #1. Fresh and Fine 3½ margin used example of the 1851 issue 3 Penny Beaver imperf on horizontally laid paper. Light and almost entirely "Beaver free" 7-ring target postmark. A sound and very collectable example of Canada's "number one". 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 =
| $1,620.00 |
Canada #4, 14, 17 Study Lot. All used mixed condition (expect faults) semi-sorted accumulation of 1852 Pence and 1859 First Cents issues consisting of four x 3 Penny Beavers, sixty-four x the 1c rose Victoria and twelve x the 17c Albert. The owner has identified some varieties but in general the material awaits further research. There is enough of a range and quantity here to reward the student of Classic Canada. Theoretical total catalogue value is in the thousands! Estimate =
| $500.00 |
Canada #14, 15, 17-20, 21-30. All used basic group of 1859-1864 "First Cents" and 1868-1876 "Large Queens". Expect a few faults in this "as received" selection. Fill those album spaces now and upgrade later as time, opportunity and money will allow! 2024 Scott US$2,187.50 =
| $2,953.15 |
Canada #14/1107 Plus Back of the Book. All used 1859-1986 period collection of 901 stamps, all mounted on Minkus Canada album pages. Noted a useful range of Victorian era material and "Back of the Book" material including airmails, special deliveries, airmail special deliveries, officials (both perfin and overprinted), registration stamps, postage dues, war tax and more. 2024 Scott US$3,218.40 =
| $4,344.85 |
Canada #14/877 Plus Back of the Book Collection. A 99% used and superior quality 1859 to 1980 period collection of 1,006 almost all different stamps, all mounted on Minkus Canada album pages. Decent representation of Victorian era material including First Cents, Large & Small Queens, Jubilees, Leafs and Numerals with comprehensive completion beginning with the Edwards and up. Lots of complete long pictorial sets, coils, and CDS postmarks noted in the mix. The "Back of the Book" section includes airmails, special deliveries, postage dues and officials. Identified and valued by the owner with a Scott total of US$5,612.70=$7,577.15 CDN (@ 1.35). A great basis for expansion! Estimate =
| $750.00 |
Canada #21/25. Almost all used, mixed condition group of Queen Victoria Large Queens, running from the ½c black up to the 3c red. Faults noted throughout but all have been valued as the basic (and least expensive) Scott listed type. The lot consists of #21 (x 21), 22 (x 6), 23 (x 13), 24 (x 14) & 25 (x 38). These stamps represent part of an old-time/long-time accumulation, with some varieties and cancels noted by the original collector. Total Scott catalogue value of the entire group (good, bad and ugly) is US$7,850.00=$10,597.50 CDN (@1.35). An exceptional chance to acquire a study group with a good possibility of "finds". Estimate =
| $1,000.00 |
Canada #21-30. Complete used set of all ten Queen Victoria 1868-1876 issue Large Queens. All valued as the basic Scott listed types. Unchecked for papers or printings. A few faults noted. Start your Large Queens with this group and upgrade individual stamps later. 2024 Scott US$1,160.00 =
| $1,566.00 |
Canada #24, 24b Fancy Cork Lot. Twenty-two used examples of the 1868 issue 2c green Large Queen, all postmarked with recognizable strikes of almost all different FANCY CORK CANCELS. Note small faults on a few stamps. Unchecked for shades, plate varieties or paper sub-types. A great study lot for the Large Queen postmark collector as there is a significant amount of literature in print on these very collectable hand-made "artisanal" cancels. Valued as basic stamps by Scott. 2024 Scott US$2,200.00 =
| $2,970.00 |
Canada #24a. Four used examples of the 2c green Large Queen ON WATERMARKED PAPER, showing: 1) the "O"; 2) the "OTH" & "A M"; 3) the "CL"; and 4) the "WE" of the "E. & G BOTHWELL CLUTHA MILLS" watermark. A lightly cancelled quartet and Fine/Very Fine appearing group but expect the odd small fault. A useful start to re-assembling the intact watermark. 2024 Scott US$1,600.00 =
| $2,160.00 |
Canada #26, 27. Large selection of used examples of the 5c olive green (x 6) and 6c brown (x 33) Large Queen. This lot is an aggregated long-time accumulation semi-identified by various collectors for papers, perfs, printings, shades and postmarks. Expect the odd small in the mix but all have been valued as the basic Scott listed types. A perfect lot for the Large Queen student or dealer in Canadian Classics. 2024 Scott US$5,970.00 =
| $8,059.50 |
Canada #27, 27a, 27c. Useful used study group of 6c Large Queens, 15 stamps in total, consisting of the dark brown (#27) and yellow brown (#27a) shades as well as the thin paper variety (#27c). Generally sound and Fine/Very Fine but expect the odd fault in an unchecked selection such as this. All valued as basic Scott #27. 2024 Scott US$2,100.00 =
| $2,835.00 |
Canada #28, 28b Study Group. All used selection of fifteen 12½c blue Large Queens, generally in sound and Fine condition (but expect some faults). Nice range of shades, unchecked for other varieties. All conservatively valued as basic Scott listed stamps. 2024 Scott US$1,875.00 =
| $2,531.25 |
Canada #28, 29/30. The higher value selection of used examples of the 12½c blue (x 22) and 15c grey violet/grey (x 25) Large Queen. This lot is an aggregated long-time accumulation semi-identified by various collectors for papers, perfs, printings, shades and postmarks. Expect the odd small fault in the mix but all have been valued as the basic Scott listed types. Another perfect "upside" lot for the Large Queen student or dealer in Canadian Classics. 2024 Scott US$4,250.00 =
| $5,737.50 |
Canada #28a. Five used examples of the 12½c blue Large Queen, ALL ON WATERMARKED PAPER, showing various identified portions of the "E. & G BOTHWELL CLUTHA MILLS" watermark. Only four of the stamps have been valued (the stamp with trimmed perfs n/c). A great start to completing the entire watermark. 2024 Scott US$1,800.00 =
| $2,430.00 |
Canada #30c. Lightly cancelled used example of the 15c Large Queen, deep violet shade on very thick paper. Minor fault (shallow thin) noted for the record. This variety is almost always found with faults, due to the delicate blotter type paper. One of the rarest Large Queen varieties. 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 =
| $1,620.00 |
Canada #34, 35, 41, 42, 43. All mint Hinged quintet of Small Queens, all later printings. One short perf at top of the #42 noted for the record. 2024 Scott US$557.50 =
| $752.65 |
Canada #34/852. Mint and used collection of many hundreds of 1870s to 1970s period issues, almost all regular (almost no "Back of the Book") commemoratives and definitives, including Small Queens, Tercentenaries and Admirals, as well as other Victoria, Edward, GeoV, GeoVI and QEII sets and singles. The quality and comprehensiveness improves as the collection becomes more recent. Total catalogue value in the multiple thousands. All housed in a Lighthouse SF (Hingeless) album with pages to 1986 (as well as extra blank pages). Estimate =
| $2,000.00 |