Lot # | Description | Cat. Value or Estimate |
| Bid? |
Aden #1-9. British Administration. Mint Never Hinged and absolutely stunning group of the first 9 "Dhow" issues from the 1937 series, each in a lower inscription -Thomas De La Rue & Company Limited. London - plate margin pair. While there are 3 additional higher values in the set (#10-12), they are all very high value (the extra three pairs would catalogue US$2050.00 alone). A very nice "extra" to showcase this attractive issue. 2023 Scott US$272.00 =
| $367.20 |
Argentina #1/675 plus Back of the Book. Mint and (mostly) used collection of regular issues and lots of ‘back of the book", especially overprinted Officials on cut-down Yvert pages in a lovely black Stanley Gibbons springback binder. The interesting first page includes #1 and #5 used mixed amongst some of the normal dubious material often seen from this period. There is a "Rivadavia" duo overprinted "Muestra" and it is hit or miss to 1958, including a couple of souvenir sheets. There is a bit of airmail and then a couple hundred "Ministry" overprinted with an alphabet soup of various abbreviations to signify one of over a dozen different government agencies. Overall, the condition appears to be decent. Several hundred stamps. Most appear to be more common, but research could turn up some better items. Estimate =
| $140.00 |
Australia #1-11, 2a. Sound, fresh and fine OG mint hinged / hinge remnant group from the first set of 1913 "Roos" from the 1/2p green to the 2sh brown plus Scott #2a (1p red). A few minor short perforations, as often found on this issue, but overall a very clean group. 2024 Scott US$1205.00 =
| $1,626.75 |
Australia - Page of mint King George V "Heads" and early commemoratives with some official "OS" perfins. Fresh appearance, most are mint never hinged, with a touch of even toning and some penciled catalogue numbers. Unchecked for perforations or watermarks. Catalogued as the lowest value with no "never hinged premium". A bit of work could pay dividends. Total 2024 Scott US$402.75 =
| $543.71 |
Australia - Queensland Postmarks. An early selection of 216x George V era postmarks, mostly being the "Head" issue, on stamps / cut squares. All neatly laid-out on Vario stockpages. Although with duplication, there is a wealth of interesting town names. A very popular collecting area of Australian philately. Estimate =
| $140.00 |
Australia - Selection of 96 different recent used 2017-2023 stamps, most being high values with a few AAT (Australian Antarctic Territory) and Christmas Island as well. It is not easy to find these recent issues! 2025 Scott US$207.00 =
| $279.45 |
Australia - Two £1 and four 10/- ‘Roos? That should indicate that this is not your usual consignment balance bankers box. Yes, there is lots of common material, especially from the decimal era, but there is a nice 1968 series Stanley Gibbons 4-ring binder and a well-loved 64-page Lighthouse stockbook. Plus, there are album pages, envelopes, presentation packs, "102" cards and then a small group of earlier issues including some ‘Roos, some early perfins (both "OS" and private) and a few officials to go with the airmails, mixed in with some Australian Antarctic Territory material. Expect the condition to be all over the place, and for there to be a moderate amount of duplication. Estimate =
| $180.00 |
Australia and Australian Antarctic Territory - Estate balance. A diverse offering which includes a large binder of manila stockpages covering "Roos to about year 2000 with some back of the book, a stash of AAT issues including partial collections, a near new 16-page stockbook and misc loose items. There is also a stash of loose glassines and dealer cards that includes some "States" material, with cancels and other "odds and ends" (noted a used trio of O12-O14 - catalogues $82.50). If you are looking for an eye-catching piece, there are a few large used blocks of #J83, totaling 40 copies (catalogue $8.50 each). Great potential here. Estimate =
| $200.00 |
Australian States and Australia - A collection balance, the best is the "States" material with several manilla stock pages, an approval book (never in a circuit, and only a few stamps removed), plus a near-new 32-page green Lighthouse stockbook with only 11 New South Wales stamps. Perforation, shade and cancel potential here. The Australia consists of a 1982 yearbook and a small group of 1970’s blocks with denominations to the dollar. Estimate =
| $150.00 |
Austria - Two volume Austrian holding, starting with a Minkus album with pages to 1981 and with a lovely selection of mint, used (and sometimes both), including lots of "back of the book", noting some better semi-postals and airmails. The album concludes with occupied or administered areas such as Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The collector has tucked in many duplicates under other mounted stamps, often for nice cancels, but who knows what else could be here. The second value is a large three ring binder with what appears to be the collector’s 20th century duplicates, with thousands more stamps here to increase your enjoyment. These types of lots do not come around often. Estimate =
| $400.00 |
Belgian Congo #6-13. Complete used set of the King Leopold II series of 1887-1894, each with a decent circular date stamp cancel. The good 5fr violet has an expertization mark on the reverse. One of the key Belgian African colonial sets. 2023 Scott US$1120.00 =
| $1,512.00 |
Belgian Congo #14/62. A pair of stockpages with 45 different, mostly used, examples from the various pictorial issues from 1894-1915. The #14 and #33-35 are mint, the rest are used. Includes different perforations, colours, designs, etc. Most notable is the #29 (has a bit of a rounded corner, which may be "natural" from the perforation process) and #30. What makes this lot even better is that most of the used examples were selected for the desirability of their postmark, so even if you already have some or all these stamps, check them to potentially upgrade your collection. A couple have owner’s markings on them. Total 2023 Scott US$475.70 =
| $642.50 |
Belgian Congo & Congo #64/322, B5/B26, C1/C17, J1/J12 and 323/352. Clean collection of mostly used issues from around the end of WWI to the first couple of overprinted sets by independent Congo. An attractive range of singles, sets, overprints, with some good back of the book. There is a mint (used and very lightly hinged) semi-postal souvenir sheet B26, airmail sheetlet C11a and the Congo overprints. The used includes high denominations with catalogue values to $20.00 each and many with nice cancels. The front of the collection catalogues US$446.65. And if you like cancels, look to the back of the binder, with several black stockpages and some "map" pages showing location of towns. These are stunning cancellations, there are about 150 of them, and not catalogued. Estimate =
| $200.00 |
British Commonwealth - Antarctic Grouping. Falklands Islands Dependencies / South Georgia / British Antarctic Territory selection of 192 mint hinged / never hinged stamps, neatly laid out on stockpages. The earlier material (George VI) is hinged, with much of the Elizabethan material being never hinged. A good array of material, including many complete sets, 1946 Peace issue, 1948 Royal Wedding, 1949 UPU, overprints etc. 2025 Scott US$269.60 =
| $363.95 |
British Commonwealth - Atlantic and Antarctic colony issues, the balance of a dealer’s stock that we have been breaking up. These are album and stock pages, 2x 16-page Lighthouse stockbooks, glassines, cards and some loose stamps that never made it to sale. Includes Ascension, lots of British Antarctic Territory, and touch of South Georgia, AAT, Ross Dependency. Almost all mint, with some light duplication. Issues up to 2002, but generally coverage is lighter after 1980. Estimate =
| $150.00 |
British Commonwealth - Bankers box filled with random, loose and varied album pages from a variety of sources. Lots of Caribbean, with some African and to a lesser extent, Oceanic colonies. We only took a quick look into this lot, and noted a range of mint and used, with a bit back to Queen Victoria mostly stopping by 1980, with the occasional obviously better item (e.g. Montserrat 1948 Royal Wedding), but this will need a collector/harvester to pull out its best. The balance of an estate. Offered as received. Estimate =
| $140.00 |
British Commonwealth - British America collection in a Scott Specialty album, with pages to 1960. We noted Antigua, Bermuda (George VI "Keyplates" to 5/-), British Honduras, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, some from "the Saints", Trinidad, etc. A bit "hit or miss" throughout, with more used than mint. Lots of common items and short sets, but with better singles and nice cancels noted. If particular interests is a Guyana 24c double overprint on a mint single, unfortunately might need to be soaked to remove it from the page, listed in Gibbons at £200.00). Hundreds of stamps and an album in excellent condition (binder alone retails $80.00). Estimate =
| $200.00 |
British Commonwealth - British American accumulation with lots of album fragments, noting earlier Bahamas, 1980’s Antigua (and with Barbuda), with some Guyana, Grenada, Turks and Caicos, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago. Everything is mixed in this lot: mint and used, sparse and thorough, classic and modern, etc. Great exploration and sorting lot. Estimate =
| $150.00 |
British Commonwealth - British Caribbean assorted dealer stock, with a few classics, back to the 1935 Silver Jubilee and then with a lot more modern "collector targeted" issues, such as Royal Family, Michael Jackson, Elvis, topicals, etc. with imperforates, inverted centres, etc. Most are mounted on dealer cards or stockpages. A large handful of material that would have had enormous initial cost. Estimate =
| $150.00 |
British Commonwealth - Complete mint King George V Silver Jubilee common design and Scott-listed other designs. Fresh, mint, many never hinged, the balance lightly hinged in clear mounts on quadrilled pages housed in a "Simplex" springback album. Not often seen with this completeness and quality. 2024 Scott US$1401.00 =
| $1,891.36 |
British Commonwealth - Decent material that is so chaotic and disorganized that the previous owner put this off long enough to eventually declare "enough, can’t do it". This lot of Pacific Islands (or Oceania) has nice material in plain sight, but it will need a collector with more time and patience than the previous owner could spare. Mint and used, light duplication, going back to the early 20th century with some overprints for New Zealand-administered islands (with Admirals to 3/-), up to about 1990. Noted Fiji, Papua New Guinea (including a 10/- bird overprinted "Specimen"), Tuvalu, New Hebrides, Pitcairn Islands, Tonga, Norfolk, Christmas, Aitutaki, Kiribati and the list goes on (no Australia or NZ). Lastly, there is a 64-page stockbook, album pages, presentation packs, glassines/envelopes. A wonderful opportunity here for the intrepid sorter. Estimate =
| $250.00 |
British Commonwealth - Old and well-loved 1960 British Asia Minkus album. A mix of mint and used, from light to heavy coverage, classics to the early 1970s and a bit of topical material. Includes material from Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Labuan, Maldive Islands, Muscat (and Oman), North Borneo, Palestine, Qatar, South Arabia and Yemen. Includes some British overseas offices overprints. A few hundred stamps. Estimate =
| $130.00 |
British Commonwealth - Remarkable complete collection of the King George VI 1948-49 "Silver Wedding" issue including all common design issues (e.g. Hong Kong, Malayan States), plus a complete run of Scott-listed non-common designs. Fresh, mint, most are never hinged on quadrilled pages in clear mounts. Perfect for dealers and collectors, alike. 2024 Scott US$2542.00 =
| $3,431.70 |
Canada #1. Very Fine four-margin (large to huge all-around) used example of the 1851 issue 3 Penny Beaver imperf on horizontally laid paper (good strong laid-lines visible). Tidy 7-ring target cancel, making for a wonderful example of Canada's "number one". 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 =
| $1,620.00 |
Canada #2. Sound and VF used example of the 1851 issue 6p Consort on vertically laid paper (good strong laid-lines visible). Large and even margins all around. Light and unobtrusive 7-ring target cancel. An attractive and fault-free Canadian pence issue classic. 2024 Scott US$1,500.00 =
| $2,025.00 |
Canada #4. VF used example of the 1852 issue 3p beaver imperforate on medium wove paper. Four full margins (about as good as it gets), sharp impression, 7-ring target cancel. A pretty stamp! 2024 Scott US$225.00 =
| $303.75 |
Canada #4/611. Minkus pages with a great exploration of the first 100+ years of Canadian stamp issuance. Includes a 3p beaver with three nice margins, some "Cents", a few Large and Small Queens, Jubilees from the 1/2c to 50c (mostly mint), with some mint and used Victorian, Edward VII and Quebec issues. After the Admiral set, most sets are fairly complete, with the lower denominations often being mint, such as the KGV Scroll, Arch, issues. There are multiple mint dollars such as the Destroyer, Champlain, Ferry, Fishing. No "back of the book", but there is a bit of duplication where the collector has hinged extra stamps in, underneath. There are a few nice cancels noted. The biggest challenge for this collection is the condition, which is diverse. Much of the earlier is faulty, the mint heavily hinged, but this is mixed in with a number of really nice clean singles here and there. The catalogue is enormous, but we have decided to give this an estimated value. Estimate =
| $400.00 |
Canada #4d. Sound and VF used example of the 3p beaver on thin paper. Full to huge margins all around, attractive blue cancel. Very pretty! Comes with a 1996 Green Foundation certificate. Unitrade is $300.00 for a stamp of this quality. 2024 Scott US$225.00 =
| $303.75 |
Canada #5. Fresh and VF used example of the 1855 issue 6p slate gray Albert imperforate on wove paper. Sharp impression, four large margins. A real pence issue beauty. 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 =
| $1,620.00 |
Canada #5b Cover. Fine appearing example of the 6p greenish grey Albert on wove paper tied by grid postmark, sent from Brantford UC (Upper Canada) to New York USA, paying the correct 10c cross-border rate. Comes with 2000 Greene Foundation certificate which states (in part) "Canada Scott #5 (b) Used on cover, genuine but stamp is cut into at right side". 2024 Unitrade =
| $2,000.00 |
Canada #8. Used example of the 1857 issue half penny QV imperforate. Four huge margins, tidy "21" 4-ring cancel, with light toning / soiling at top. A stunning looking stamp. 2024 Scott US$700.00 =
| $945.00 |
Canada #8. VF used example of the 1857 half penny rose Queen Victoria imperforate pence issue. Attractive 4-ring "21" cancel (Montreal). Nicely balanced, clear to huge margins on all sides. Unitrade is $1000.00 for VF used. 2024 Scott US$700.00 =
| $945.00 |
Canada #9. Attractive looking F-VF appearing used example of the 7½p green Queen Victoria 1857 imperf pence issue. Nicely balanced margins, tight margins (to just in) and expertly repaired / sealed tear on the lower right. A very respectable example of this scarce issue. 2024 Scott US$3000.00 =
| $4,050.00 |
Canada #11. Fine used example of the 1858 issue half-penny rose perforated pence issue, neat Toronto "grid / diamond" postmark. 2024 Scott US$1500.00 =
| $2,025.00 |
Canada #11 Cover. Seldom seen example of the 1858 half penny rose perforated pence issue, on folded circular from Hamilton UC, March 1st 1859 to Iowa USA. The stamp, although faded and with faults is nicely tied by the numeral grid "16" used at Hamilton. Very interesting intact "Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada" multiple printed page enclosure. While the stamp is faulty, this represents a very scarce example properly used in-period on circular. 2024 Unitrade =
| $3,000.00 |
Canada #12. Used example of the 3p red "Beaver" provisional 1858 "perforated pence" issue. Fine centered with a light "Beaver-free" postmark (appears unused at first glance). Short perforations along the bottom, but still very respectable and missing from most collections we see. 2024 Scott US$1,400.00 =
| $1,890.00 |
Canada #14/19a. Used "First Cents" offering as assembled on the previous owner's album page, include notated shade varieties. While there may be the odd small fault, we have catalogued these as basic issues (no sub-listing shade premiums). 2024 Scott US$1577.50 =
| $2,129.65 |
Canada #15. Mint Hinged example of the 1859 issue 5c vermilion "First Cents" beaver. Looks to be re-gummed, so valued as the lesser "no gum" by Scott catalogue. 2024 Scott US$425.00 =
| $573.75 |
Canada #15 Study. Attractive used assembly of 24 used examples, plus 1 cover of the 1859 issued 5c Beaver. A nice range of shades and cancels, with some collector done work on plating / plate flaws. Expect a couple small faults, but overall a tidy offering. Estimate =
| $150.00 |
Canada #18TCix. Imperforate trial colour proof in black of the 12-1/2c 1859 issue Victoria. Close but seemingly full margins all around. Unusually, this item has been gummed (and hinged) on the back, perhaps in an attempt to make this look like an issued stamp? You could likely remove the gum if so desired. A key "First Cents" issue proof. 2024 Unitrade =
| $650.00 |
Canada #21/30. Collector's pages with an interesting array of 26 Large Queens, including shades and perf varieties noted by previous owner. Expect the odd small fault, but we have conservatively valued these at the basic stamp catalogue value only. 2024 Scott US$2655.00 =
| $3,485.25 |
Canada #29vi. F/VF mint hinged part-original gum example of the 15c grey-violet Large Queen, with Unitrade listed plate scratch at top-left (from position 9). A seldom seen listed variety, with accompanying 2024 Greene Foundation "pink" certificate, which verifies the stamp, but indicates that it has partial original gum, "but gum added that is not original". While Unitrade adds a 100% premium for original gum, we have conservatively not added that here. 2024 Unitrade =
| $800.00 |
Canada #34 Printing Flaw. VF mint Never Hinged JUMBO example of the 1/2c QV Small Queen, with boardwalk margins, partial imprint in selvedge and than notably a horizontal printing flaw or guideline extending from just above the "E" of "POSTAGE" and extending through the right margin and into the selvedge. Minor natural gum bends mentioned "for the record", but an exceptional stamp! Estimate =
| $150.00 |
Canada #34 Varieties. F/VF mint octet of 1/2c QV Small Queens, each with an "offset on the gum-side" variety, caused by the stacking of sheets while still partially wet after printing. A range of hinged / never hinged, but nothing obstructing the clear printing offsets. An attractive group. Estimate =
| $120.00 |
Canada #40, 40a, 40b, 40c. Used quartet of the 10c Small Queen, with Unitrade / Scott listed shades (dull rose lilac, magenta, deep lilac rose), plus the dull rose lilac PERF 11.5x12. A couple of short perfs, but overall a clean group. 2024 Scott US$595.00 =
| $803.25 |
Canada #45 Shades. Group of three mint OG Hinged / Hinge Remnant / Disturbed gum examples of the 1897 issued 10c Small Queen, showing a trio of subtle, yet different shades. Beyond the gum issues, here is a nice chance to pick up three sound mint examples of the 10c Small Queen. Catalogue as basic mint copies, with no premiums for shade sub-listings is US$675.00 per stamp! Estimate =
| $200.00 |
Canada #46, 47. F/VF mint Hinged examples of the 1893 issue 20c vermilion and 50c deep blue Queen Victoria "Widows Weeds". Rich original colours. A very attractive mint duo. 2024 Scott US$800.00 =
| $1,080.00 |
Canada #50, 53. F/VF mint Never Hinged JUMBO examples of the 1/2c black and 3c bright rose QV 1897 Jubilee issues. Each of these examples was selected by the previous owner for having extremely large "Jumbo" margins (far bigger than the average stamp). Valued as two standard NH singles. 2024 Scott US$350.00 =
| $472.50 |
Canada #50-65. F/VF used complete set of the ½c to $5.00 Queen Victoria 1897 Jubilee issues. While there will be the odd short-perforation, this is first complete used set that we have ever offered as a single lot. The reverse side of all of these are sound, with no thins or defects. While the lower/mid-values have some attractive CDS cancels, the high-values shift into having the usual roller postmarks. An excellent opportunity to acquire a full set of one of the most popular classic Canadian issues. 2025 Scott US$5298.50 =
| $7,153.00 |
Canada #51-54. F/VF mint Never Hinged quartet of 1897 Jubilee issues consisting of the 1c, 2c, 3c and 5c values. A few of these easily verge on VF centering. A great start to a Never Hinged group set. 2024 Scott US$442.50 =
| $597.40 |